High School
Home of the Broncos
Who We ARE!

School Colors: Kelly Green, White, and Black

Mission Statement: Excellence in Education "Learn, Achieve, Succeed"

School Mascot: The Mighty Bronco

BHS Motto: "The higher the climb the better the view."

A Brief History of Blackfoot
High School
"Until the year 1897 we had no high school in Blackfoot. A boy who could go to school eight years was considered lucky, and at the end of that time thought himself ready to go out into the world and rustle for himself.
But fortunately, 2 more grades were added that year making ten grades instead of 8. Then in 1899, Mr. Charles Johnson, came from Kansas and added one more year making it eleven grades. In 1904, Mr. Johnson added another year to the course work bringing the total to twelve grades.
The next year, 1905, the graduates were: Frank F. Stewart, Beryl Johnson, Mary Quillan, and Laura Gaumer, they being the first to complete fourth year of the Blackfoot High School course..."
(Taken from the 1904 BHS Bronco Annual as printed in the Bingham County Historical Society ‘s Memories of Bingham County: Volume I, pg. 24)